
5 Major Green Flags in a Prop Firm

Date: June 17, 2024

The forex trading market is booming, with an expected exponential growth rate in the coming years. However, with over 400 prop firms in the industry, many of which are fraudulent, finding a trustworthy prop firm can be daunting. Here are five major green flags to help you spot a reliable prop firm.


1). The Importance of a Public CEO

CEO's Social Media Presence

One of the first green flags to look for in a prop firm is the public availability of its CEO. A CEO with a visible social media presence is often a sign of transparency and accountability. They should be active on platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter, providing updates about the firm and engaging with traders.

Benefits of an Accessible CEO

An accessible CEO can foster trust and credibility. They can directly address any concerns, provide insights into the company's operations, and announce major updates. This level of openness indicates that the firm is not hiding anything and is committed to its traders' success.

Examples of Active CEOs in the Industry

Many reputable prop firms have CEOs who are active online, sharing their insights and engaging with the trading community. This transparency can significantly boost the firm's reputation and reassure traders of its legitimacy.


2).Transparent Rules

Defining Transparent Rules in a Prop Firm

A prop firm with transparent rules is upfront about its trading conditions, fees, and policies. These rules should be easily accessible on their website, typically in the "Rules and FAQs" section. Transparency ensures that traders know what to expect and can make informed decisions.

How to Identify Hidden Rules

Hidden rules are often buried in fine print or not disclosed at all, leading to unexpected surprises. Traders should scrutinize the firm's rules and ask questions if anything is unclear. A reputable firm will gladly clarify any ambiguities.

Importance of Clear Trading Conditions

Clear trading conditions are crucial for building trust. They help traders understand the risks and rewards, ensuring that there are no hidden pitfalls that could lead to losses or unfair trading conditions.


3). Does not offers MT4/MT5 with offshore unregulated brokers:-

Overview of MT4/MT5 Ban and Reinstatement

In February 2024, MetaQuotes banned many prop firms from using their popular trading platforms, MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5). Although this ban has been lifted as of June 2024, the conditions for using these platforms have become stricter.

Importance of Regulated Brokers

If a prop firm offers MT4/MT5, it's vital to ensure that they work with regulated brokers. Unregulated brokers can pose significant risks, including unfair trading practices and potential scams.

How to Verify Broker Regulation Status

To verify a broker's regulation status, check for their license number and regulatory body. This information should be available on the prop firm's website. Additionally, you can cross-check the broker's status on the regulatory body's official website.


4). They are marked as TRUSTED on TheTrustedProp:-

Role of TheTrustedProp in the Industry

TheTrustedProp is a platform that evaluates and certifies the trustworthiness of prop firms. A firm marked as 'Trusted' by TheTrustedProp has undergone rigorous checks and is deemed reliable.

Benefits of the ‘Trusted’ Tag

The 'Trusted' tag indicates that the prop firm operates with integrity, has transparent rules, and treats its traders fairly. It’s a significant green flag for any trader looking to engage with a prop firm.

How to Check for the ‘Trusted’ Tag

Visit TheTrustedProp's website and look for the firm's name in their list of trusted prop firms. This quick check can save you from potential scams and ensure you are dealing with a reputable firm.


5). Must be atleast 1 Year Old:-

Significance of a Firm's Age

A prop firm's longevity is a strong indicator of its reliability. Firms that have been in operation for at least one year are more likely to be stable and trustworthy. They have had the time to establish themselves and prove their business model.

Risks of Engaging with New Firms

New firms, especially those less than a year old, pose higher risks. They may not have a proven track record, and their business practices may still be untested. Engaging with such firms could expose you to greater uncertainties and potential losses.

Success Stories of Firms Older Than One Year

Several prop firms that have been around for more than a year have built solid reputations in the industry. These firms often have numerous positive reviews and success stories from traders who have benefited from their services.


In the rapidly expanding forex trading market, identifying trustworthy prop firms can be challenging. By looking for these five major green flags – a publicly available CEO, transparent rules, regulated brokers, a ‘Trusted’ tag from TheTrustedProp, and a firm age of at least one year – you can significantly reduce your risk of falling victim to scams. Use these criteria to make informed decisions and trade with confidence.
